n recent years, vibrational remedies such as flower essences and numerous homeopathic remedies have grown to a position of prominence in the world of holistic healing. Vibrational remedies are characterized by their energetic nature. Each essence carries the energetic imprint/vibration of the substance from which it is derived. They work interactively with our vibrational frequency and energy, helping to restore balance, promote vitality and encourage spiritual development.
Wild earth animal essences, although known by various indigenous cultures, such as Native American, and other earth oriented cultures are a recent development in modern vibrational remedies.
I have personally selected 48 animal essences that carry the vibrational imprint and energy of a specific North American animals (dolphin, eagle, butterfly, etc). They are taken as remedies internally, externally or energetically, to assistance with emotional healing and spiritual development. Each animal essence has its own unique energies and gifts. There are additional research essences of others species.
The concepts of energy medicine have been shown by Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, and are known through Rudolf Steiner's studies in anthroposophy, and in the east such as China (qi-gong), Japan (Shiatsu) and India (Ayurveda).
As founder of Wild Earth™ Animal Essences company, I have always felt a very strong connection to the wilderness and the wild animals for as long as I can remember. For a number of years I worked as a wilderness guide in the high Rockies and during those and subsequent years I have been blessed to experience powerful interactions with the creatures of the wild. Each interaction has brought with it powerful gifts and teachings.
No animals are ever captured or harmed to develop these essences, by myself or anyone.
In addition, flower essences became an important part of my transformative process as I traveled on my personal path of healing and spiritual growth, and during the early 90's I began using them in conjunction with my professional counseling practice working with adult survivors of childhood abuse. As my knowledge of both the use and making of essences expanded, I continued to have powerful interactions with wild animals and was then guided to begin creating essences of the animals who were teaching me so much.
I first began developing animal essences for my personal use and was amazed by their effectiveness in my life. "Buffalo" was one of the first essences I developed, and I was amazed by the grounding and feelings of connection with the sacred Earth that I felt as I worked with this essence over time.
I was slowly guided to develop other animal essences, and was humbled by the tremendous gifts of energy and healing that they shared in this way. Each animal brought its unique and special gifts of support and healing to me. Friends and family members began reporting similar experiences with these vibrational remedies, and in 1995 I was guided and excited to create a business that would develop a line of essences, and distribute them world-wide.
As I tuned into the animals, and further developed my relationship with them, there was a strong sense that I was to serve as a bridge between the animal kingdom and humankind.
I make the essences in a ceremonial process in the wilderness of Virginia's southern Appalachian foothills. No animals were, or are, captured or harmed in the process, which includes prayerful attunement with and invocation of the spirit of the animal being called upon.
A small natural sample (hair, feather, etc.) is often used as a catalyst. This process is blessed with a sense of harmonious co-creation between myself and the animals involved. As I continue to work with the animals, it is even more apparent how much they have to offer us as powerful teachers of the heart and spirit. I feel honored to be involved so deeply with this sacred work and I see my role as that of a humble servant of the animals, helping them to bring their gifts to those who need them.
We have received testimonials from around the world confirming the effectiveness of the essences -- responses ranging from physical shifts in one's energy, to deeper intuitive connections, emotional balancing and spiritual expansion. I've read reports that include descriptions of subtle shifts over to time, to dramatic improvements in well-being and increased spiritual/psychological development. There may be a certain acceptance or faith required to fully activate the energy.
There is a unique distinction that I have found in working with the animals vs. plants or minerals. Since animals are multi-dimensional beings, each essence can work in a variety of ways, depending on the individual.
For example, two of the testimonials we've received describe quite different experiences of Buffalo: One woman had been experiencing high blood pressure for quite some time, and was using high doses of medication to control it. She decided to try Buffalo essence and over the course of several weeks her blood pressure dropped so significantly that her doctor could not explain the change. It seems that the essence supported her in her grounding, thereby alleviating the anxiety that was underlying her high blood pressure. Another user of Buffalo began using the essence during a period of unemployment, and reported that Buffalo filled her with a sense of security and being provided for in a larger context. This allowed her to trust the moment and follow her intuitive guidance about the next steps she should take on her path.
Wild Earth currently offers 32 animal essences (From Bear and Buffalo to Wild Horse and Wolf). There are several ways to choose which essences might be right for you. The first, of course, is to follow your intuition and choose the one(s) that you are drawn to and seem to speak to your current life situation (It's OK to take up to three at a time).
Another way is to look over the descriptions and notice if there are any animals that you have an especially negative attitude towards; if you feel negatively or are repulsed by a certain animal it may indicate that this animal holds special healing gifts because it embodies, for you, an aspect of your personal shadow which may be brought into the light by working with the energies of the animal involved.
Animal essences may be used in conjunction with flower essences, gem elixirs, homeopathic remedies, and other vibrational remedies. They are used in the same way as flower essences. There are several ways to take them, the most usual being 5-7 drops, 3- 4 times a day. They may be taken orally (but not with food) by diluting them in a small glass of water, or they may be taken directly under your tongue. The essences are also effective when put into a warm bath or when rubbed on the skin or swept several times through the auric field. The effectiveness of the remedy is heightened by quietly reflecting upon the animal and its qualities. (Be aware that these contain a small amount of brandy as a vibrational preservative, so if you are alcohol sensitive, we suggest putting the drops into a cup of boiling water and the alcohol will quickly evaporate.)
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